sâmbătă, 7 iulie 2018

Joy of Europe

Dear  Madam,

Under the slogan “LET THE PLANET SHINE”, the 49th Traditional International Gathering of Children of Europe – Joy of Europe will be held in Belgrade, from October 2nd to 5th 2018. The founder and general sponsor of the International Gathering of Children of Europe is the Belgrade City Administration, and the executive producer is the Children’s Cultural Centre of Belgrade. The manifestation has been granted the EFFE 2017-2018 label of quality by the European Commission.
Eligible participants at the “Joy of Europe” festival are art schools, cultural centers, studios, clubs, associations, but first and foremost groups that have achieved remarkable results at national and international competitions, festivals, and similar.
Stage performance can be presented in the form of dance (classical, traditional, jazz or contemporary dance), music (vocal group or choir), as well as multimedia performance.

Visiting groups can have no more than 15 children participants, from 7 to 14 years old, as well as 2 adult group leaders. Children will be accommodated in host families from Belgrade schools, with children of their age, one child per family, because the point of these gatherings is making friends and developing lasting friendships, as well as getting acquainted with new and different cultures. The organizers cover the expenses of half board accommodation for the two adult group leaders.

The participants cover the expenses of transportation to Belgrade and back, and should they choose to use their own bus during the event, the organizer will cover fuel expenses during the event, as well as the accommodation for two drivers.

The 49th Joy of Europe will be dedicated to environment protection, as one of the priority issues connecting children of the world, developing ecological consciousness and responsible relation toward the planet Earth and its resources.  It is our wish that children and their educators be inspired by natural beauty, energy of the Sun, waves, water, wind...by recycling, or free interpretation of manifestation slogan in preparation for the Gala concert, stage performance permitting. Theme can be interpreted widely, in accordance with artistic sensibility of the group.

Each country can only be represented by one group of performers.  The selection of registered groups will be done by the Board of manifestation and the groups will be informed about results by the beginning of June.
Basic program units of this manifestation are:
  1. CARNIVAL - formal parade of participants in costumes through the city center; 
  1. FRIENDSHIP GATHERING CONCERTS - concerts at the hall of Children’s Cultural Centre Belgrade (live performance no longer than 10 minutes, music can be performed live); 
3.      GALA CONCERT- in Sava Centre (each group performs an act no longer than 3 minutes, honoring the theme LET THE PLANET SHINE, if possible, under the condition that every vocal and instrumental part of the performance has to be recorded in a studio - full playback is compulsory)
5.      EXHIBITION OF THE AWARDED WORKS OF ART FROM THE 20th INTERNATIONAL ART COMPETITION “JOY OF EUROPE” - at the Gallery of the Children’s Cultural Centre in Belgrade.
The Gala concert will be seen by the audience of several thousand children in the great hall, as well as million viewers in live TV broadcast.
Applications for participation need to be delivered no later than May 10th 2018. Applications received after this date will not be taken in consideration.
Applications of the potential participants should contain:
  1. Filled-out application forms that can be downloaded on our web page:
  1. Stage performance video recording made for Gala concert in Sava Centre, up to 3 minutes
Filled-out list and video recording of stage performance for Gala concert should be sent in a digital form to: ivana.tabori@dkcb.rs or info@dkcb.rs
Detailed information about the manifestation itself, its propositions, as well as application forms, can be found on the web page of the Children’s Cultural Centre of Belgrade, http://www.dkcb.rs/joy-of-europe/  or  www.joyofeurope.rs
For the Board of manifestation of the “Joy of Europe”
Tel. +38111 32 42 011
E-mail: info@dkcb.rs

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